Para quien no conozca la serie Gotham: Dark Nights (Gotham: noches oscuras) es un bombazo de Fox TV en Estados Unidos, que sigue la estela de la serie Arrow, también inspirada en los cómics (el arquero Green Arrow, o Flecha Verde en España). Ambientado en Gotham City, la ciudad de Batman, cuenta historias oscuras sobre la ciudad más lúgubre del cómic americano de super-héroes. Normalmente no suele salir Batman, sino más bien la policía, encabezada por el Capitán James Gordon, y los más pintorescos ladrones, asesinos y otros tipos de calaña nocturna.
La serie, recién estrenada en EE.UU., está siendo una auténtica sensación, por sus logradas persecuciones y peleas y, sobre todo, porque en todos los capítulos sale un famoso interpretando a algún villano clásico en el Hombre Murciélago. Pues bien, para el inicio de la segunda temporada la Fox no ha dudado en, por fin, sacar al enemigo más famoso de Batman: El Joker. Candidatos a hacer ese papel habían varios, pero después de una encuesta de internet hecha por la propia productora (pincha aquí para ver la lista), el resultado fue sorprendente: las tres victorias en los grandes premios que se corrieron el año pasado en Norteamérica por parte de Marc Márquez, y su parecido facial, hicieron que él fuera el elegido. Pero la noticia ha
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El Joker, por Brian Bolland en La Broma Asesina |
La verdad, no he podido evitarlo... he buscado fotos de Marc y, efectivamente, tiene una sonrisa que se asemeja al personaje del cómic, sobre todo si miramos su interpretación clásica de dibujo (como el maravilloso de Brian Bolland en La Broma Asesina), y no he podido evitar el imaginar qué aspecto le quedaría... Sí, es sólo un burdo montaje... pero ¿a que tiene un aire?
Todos mis envíos largos: LOS ESPECIALES DE MIGUELXR33
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28 de Diciembre, ¿Eres tú?. ;D
Hola! Can I use this foto for a forum avatar?
Yeah!!! Why not? This is internet, mate!!! :-D :-D
I drew this picture for "the joke day" in Spain (december 29) in 2013. All year wrote funny jokes for the bikers. Perhaps you like this too:
You can use the pic, no problem. Only I want you write me your direction and can see it in your web. Where you are?
Muchas gracias friend! :D
I like the one with the Ghost Rider :)
The picture is going to be used ( as I mentioned earlier ) for a avatar on a certain Polish forum, nothing special :P ( here is the adress )
This was my earlier avatar ( ).
Enjoy the MotoGP 2015 season.
Alvaro Terminator? Really??? Ha ha ha... I like it!!!
If you want, can write somethings about bikes in Poland: that motorcycles you have; routes, races... all you want. My english is very bad, but better than my polish language... I suppose we can understand us.
Or you can write in spanish... I promise you no laugh with it :-D
He he, sry mate, but this is not my site.
I am not the admin or a mod just a forum user :D You should talk with the owner ^^ ( as far as I know they wouldn't mind some co-op )
My spanish is good when I use google translator so I don't think somebody would understand me without it :P
Cheers and thanks again for the photo.
Perhaps you not understand me. is a blog written by motorcycle enthusiasts, we are not journalists. And we want "motards" who want to write here. For us may be interesting to know the motoworld in Poland. So if you want you can tell us how you live the love of bike, we have a section dedicated to it, anecdotes amateur: LAS ANÉCDOTAS DE MIS AMIGOTES DE LAS MOTOS
He he, maybe I didn't :P
Concerning Polish motoworld I don't know if there is anything interesting going on there :D
It's the total opposite to Spain, we don't have tracks, fans, we ( almost ) don't have riders in any european or word championships, we just don't exist on the moto map :DDD
If we are thinking more locally/ domestically maybe there would something to write about, but sincerely I'm not that well informed.
At the very least I can ask the guys over at the site so they can share some stories.
I think is more important the illusion. I like the simple races, small circuits where you can see the racers, the mechanics, you can talk with theirs, make pictures... the real competition "for the love of the sports" who said the great Mike Haillwood. And when you ride your bike with your friends... this sensation is universal. And isn't important which bike you ride, the real important is RIDE it.
I want you know here have open the door. Only you need say "I want you read this".
Buena ruta amigo. Pulgar en alto.
Thanks for the invitation, I will keep that in mind if I have something to share with You :)
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